‘Support Lines for Primary aged Pupils’:
1: Within the COVID-19 file and
2: Within the Mental & Emotional Health & Well-being File and then the Pupils’ Mental & Emotional Health file.
Alternatively, please click on the links provided below:
Rhwydwaith Diabetes Cymru i Blant a Phobl Ifanc
Dyma fideo ar y wefan isod yn dangos y camau nesaf wrth baratoi i ddychwelyd i’r ysgol ar y 29/6/20.
Her Miliwn Munudau Actif Chwefror 1/2/21-28/2/21
Dyma’r ddolen i chi lenwi’r arolwg ar ôl i chi gwblhau’r gweithgaredd:
Ewch i’r wefan yma i weld y gweithgareddau: